
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Reflections on moving, Part 1

Moving with toddlers is true madness. So buying a new home and selling our old home was a true test in mastering the madness. While I'm not sure I can say I "mastered" the move, I can say we have five weeks under our belt in our new home (which I love). Now that the dust has settled, boxes are unpacked and pictures are on the wall, I've taken a few moments to reflect on my homes, both past and present.
A home has a unique role. It not only provides shelter and warmth, but it also carries our stories. The home we sold was our first house and it holds a special place in our family. Greg and I bought it shortly after we were married and it was there for several milestones.
We welcomed Charlie home from the hospital.

We welcomed Emmett home from the hospital.

We said goodbye to Taz.
Granted, it holds other milestones, too. The family of raccoons who took up residence in our attic. The family of mice who visited during the winter of 2011. The time Charlie rode his Radio Flyer horse down the stairs (unsuccessfully). And the time Charlie pushed Emmett down the stairs while he was riding his bumble bee (also unsuccessfully). There's also the time the basement flooded with sewage three days after we moved in. But I digress...

When I reflect on what I miss most about that house, it is the nursery. This beautiful cloud-filled room.

 It started as Charlie's room, then became Emmett's when he was born. (No, Emmett never got his name on the wall. Poor second child.) I spent countless hours in that room and in that chair specifically. Rocking my babies to sleep, late night bottles, soothing ear infections, reading stories.
 I think we read approximately 4,500 stories in that chair! It's true! 2 at naptime + 3 at bedtime x 2.5 years (912 days) = 4,560 stories, give or take a few. (My children should have a deep appreciation for books. It also explains why I have several books memorized beginning to end...Goodnight Moon, The Going to Bed Book, name a few.)
The day we handed possession over to the new family, I did one last walk-through. As I walked through the house one last time, the overwhelming feeling I had was of being truly blessed. The short season of life we spent in that home was a good one, and I felt like we had been showered with blessings while we were there. I pray the new family experiences the same joy and abundance. 
Thank you, Napa Place home!